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Collectibles from the Early EraPing-Pong Bling-Bling早期收藏品之乒乓Bling-Bling
Prior legs of our journey through early U.S. newspaper archives examined equipment of the 1901-03 ping-pong craze, in Parts II, III, and IV. Now in Part V we turn to the jewelry that the stylish fan of the game will wear to the era's many ping-pong parties.在第二部分、第三部分和第四部分中,我们在美国早期报纸档案中考察了1901-03年乒乓球狂热时期的装备。现在,在第五部分中,我们转向那个时期时髦的乒乓球迷会在许多乒乓球派对上佩戴的装饰品。

This was not just high-society bling-bling. In an April 1902 ad in the Brooklyn (NY) Eagle, headlined "Ping Pong in Silver.", department store Abraham & Strauss wrote, "For the people who like the game---that's everybody apparently---we have had some Scarf Pins, Brooches and Charms made in the shape of Ping-Pong Bats and the like. They are sterling silver with the gilded finish; exceedingly pretty and substantial. Pretty prizes for home tournaments at Ping-Pong and very moderately priced at 34 cents to 59 cents."这不仅仅是属于上流社会的光鲜亮丽。1902年4月,在《布鲁克林(纽约)鹰报》上刊登了一则广告,标题是“银制乒乓”,亚伯拉罕&施特劳斯百货公司写道,“对于喜欢这项运动的人——显然是所有人——我们有一些乒乓球拍形状的围巾别针、胸针和坠饰等。它们是纯银镀金的;非常漂亮和有价值。这些是国内乒乓球锦标赛中非常不错的奖品,价格也很适中,在34美分到59美分之间。” In the New York Times in June '02, from the In the Shops column: "Of course the jeweler has ping-pong pins. They are long pins, brooches, a slender bar of gold, and upon each is a couple of ping-pong rackets, the 'ping-ponging' part being of mother of pearl, with an appearance somewhat like the vellum of the genuine racket. The balls are small round pearls." From the Piqua (OH) Call that month:" Pingpong jewelry is the latest fad in charms and brooches, with gold wire net and pearls for balls."《纽约时报》1902年6月的一篇专栏文章中写道:“珠宝商当然有乒乓胸针。它们有长别针式,胸针式,一根细长的金条式,每根上面有一对乒乓球拍,有‘乒乓元素’的部分是贝壳的,外观有点像真正的球拍上的牛皮。上面的球是又小又圆的珍珠。”同月Piqua (OH) Call网站上写道:“乒乓饰品是饰品和胸针结合的最新时尚,常常配以金丝网和珍珠做成的球。”

From an article about Paris fashion in the Ogden (Utah) Standard in July: "That ping-pong is as fashionable in France as in England, the land of its origin, is shown by the novelty brooches shaped after the pattern of ping-pong racquets, the round part pared with diamond chips. To be very chic it is necessary to have two of the pins, then the racquets are fastened to the gown with the handles crossed after the most approved fashion."《奥格登(犹他州)标准报》7月刊登了一篇关于巴黎时尚的文章:“乒乓球在法国和它的发源地英国一样流行,这从乒乓球拍形状的新颖胸针(圆形部分用钻石片削尖)就可以看出。为了显得非常别致,必须有两个别针,然后将球拍固定在礼服上,两个球拍柄按照最时尚的方式交叉。”

A department store advertised in the Rochester (NY) Democrat in June, "Ping Pong Brooches-single and double-gilt and turquoise enamel-7c each."纽约州罗切斯特市的一家百货公司6月在《民主党人》杂志上刊登广告:“乒乓胸针——单枚和双枚镀金,绿松石珐琅材质,每枚7美分。” "There is no end to the ping-pong novelties," said the Syracuse Herald in May. "Now there are shirt waist sets having a tiny racquet for each of the studs, while two crossed racquets of a larger size is the design of the cuff buttons." One store advertised "Ping Pong Jeweled or Pearl Shirt Waist Sets...25c to 50c" in the Syracuse Telegram in June.《锡拉丘兹先驱报》5月曾说道,“乒乓球的新奇之处没有止境。现在有一种衬衫设计,腰部的每个饰钉上都有一个小球拍,而袖口纽扣上设计了两个尺寸更大的交叉球拍。”一家商店在6月《锡拉丘兹电报》刊登了广告“乒乓装饰品或珍珠衬衫束腰套装……25美分到50美分”。

From the NY Times in July: "Every other thing in inexpensive jewelry nowadays is a shirtwaist set reduced to its lowest dimensions in price. One of the latest of these is a ping-pong set. There are three tiny ping-pong rackets for the front of the shirtwaist and a larger one for the belt. The rackets are plain gilt, and each with a small pearl upon it for a ball."摘自《纽约时报》7月的一篇文章:“如今,廉价装饰品中的所有其他东西的价位等同于一件价格降至最低的衬衫束腰套装。其中最新的一款是乒乓套装。有三个小乒乓球拍放在衬衫前襟,一个大一点的放在腰带上。球拍是纯镀金的,每个球拍上都有一个小珍珠做成的球。”

The women's prize at a ping pong home party was "a pretty ping pong belt pin," according to the Atlanta Constitution in June. The Hamilton (OH) Republican-News reported that the prizes at a July YMCA tournament were a gold ping pong stick pin and a pair of gold ping pong cuff buttons.根据6月的《亚特兰大宪报》,乒乓球家庭派对上的女子奖品是“一枚漂亮的乒乓腰带别针”。据《汉密尔顿共和报》报道,7月举行的基督教青年会锦标赛的奖品是一枚黄金乒乓别针和一对黄金乒乓袖扣。 In May, the NY Times noted: "Ping-pong rackets as the head of a hat pin, and only 25 cents for the whole thing." In June in the Brooklyn Eagle, Matthews' Sons advertised "Ping-pong Hat Pins, French gray finish, set with pearls and turquoise....19c." And then two weeks later in that paper's Hints from the Shops column: "The ping-pong enthusiast may fasten her hat with a silver racquet."《纽约时报》5月曾指出:“乒乓球拍就像帽针一样,整个东西只要25美分。”6月,马修斯之子在《布鲁克林鹰报》打出广告“乒乓帽针,法式灰色饰面,镶嵌珍珠和绿松石....19美分”。两周后,在该报的《商店》专栏中写道:“乒乓球爱好者会在他的帽子上别一个银制的球拍。”

An optician/jeweler in Frederick, Maryland, advertised "Ping Pong Hat Pins, Ping Pong Bracelets and Ping Pong Brooches in Sterling Silver" in the town's Daily News in July '02.马里兰州弗雷德里克的一家眼镜商兼珠宝商在镇上的《每日新闻》1902年7月上刊登了“纯银乒乓帽针、乒乓手镯和乒乓胸针”的广告。 To be added to the lady's charm bracelet are giveaways from one shop, charms in the form of "small ping-pong rackets, with the name of the shop on the back," according to the NY Times in June.据6月《纽约时报》报道,女士手链上还附有来自一家商店的赠品,样式为“小乒乓球拍,背面印有商店名称”。 "A novelty for the ping-pong girl," according to the Grand Valley (Utah) Times in March '03, "is a chatelaine watch in the form of a ping-pong racquet of sterling silver." This refers to the attachment by which the watch hangs from the pocket or belt.据《犹他大山谷时报》在1903年3月的报道,“对于热衷乒乓球的女孩来说,感到新奇的是纯银乒乓球拍形式的链式怀表。”这只手表可以作为挂在口袋或皮带上的附件。 An ad in the Atlanta Constitution in October '02 said, "The Latest Watch---Follows the latest Fad-The 'Chatelaine,' with face set in a gray silver ping pong racket, football, musical instrument, heart-whatever is a woman's favorite thought of the moment---." From the Newark (OH) Advocate in April '02: "Silversmiths are showing all sorts of dainty trifles for the chatelaine...there is a little ping pong scoring card with an embossed leather back and silver clasps."1902年10月《亚特兰大宪报》上的一则广告是这样写的:“最新的手表——追随最新的时尚——‘腰间挂链’,面上镶嵌着银色的乒乓球拍,足球,乐器,心形——这任何女人此刻最喜欢的——”1902年4月,纽瓦克(OH)倡导者杂志上写道:“银匠们正在为腰间挂链上面设计各种精致的小玩意儿……一张小小的乒乓球记分卡,背面有压纹皮革和银扣。”

The gentleman needs help in hanging his watch, too. In May from the Brooklyn Eagle: "New watch fobs of black silk are ornamented with a small ping-pong racquet; it is of motherof-pearl, bound with gold and accompanied by a ball also of gold." In July from the NY Times: "A trim little watch fob is formed of soft bands of leather, the lower edge cut in an inverted point, and the other turned over above it and finished with a ping-pong racquet in a motherof-pearl set in a frame of gold. All this will cost $2." From the Manitoba Free Press in May: "At a ping-pong tournament the prize took the form of [a watch fob], having its pretty slide made to represent a small vellum racquet and celluloid ball."男士同样也需要为他的表做一些装饰。《布鲁克林鹰报》5月上写道:“新款黑丝腕表上装饰着一个小乒乓球拍;它是贝壳做的,用金子包着,旁边还有一个金子做的球。”《纽约时报》7月上的一篇文章写道:“一款精致的小表带由柔软的皮革制成,下边缘切割成一个倒置的点,另一边翻到表盘上方,表盘上是一个乒乓球拍,贝壳镶在金框里。所有这些花费2美元。”马尼托巴自由出版社5月曾发文:“在一场乒乓球比赛中,奖品的样式采用了手表链的形式,上面漂亮的滑动装置是用一个小牛皮球拍和赛璐珞球做成的。”

It turns out that ping pong was good for the jeweler's business in yet another way. "My income from repairing watches has almost tripled since the craze for ping pong began," said a jeweler in Utah's American Eagle in August '02. "The constant jumping around and the swinging of the arms disturbs the works so the watch has to be brought in to be regulated."事实证明,乒乓球热潮对珠宝商的生意还有另一种好处。“自从乒乓球热开始以来,我修手表的收入几乎增加了两倍,”《美国犹他州鹰报》的一位珠宝商在1902年8月说道。“打乒乓球时不断的跳动和手臂的摆动会干扰手表的工作,因此必须将手表不断的校准调节。”
